Yes, you're very welcome to train in more than one GMAU course!
Just like with any academic university, each of our courses has its own separate tuition cost. You can easily manage and train in all your courses inside your one GMAU account.
If you would like to enroll in more than one of our courses, you get a 25%-off discount for each extra course you register for.
To enroll in an extra course after you have enrolled in your first GMAU course:
- Login to your GMAU student dashboard and open the drop-down menu at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the My Courses option.
- On the My Courses page, look for the extra course you want to register for in the Manage Course Subscriptions area and select the Subscribe! button under that course.
- Scroll down on the Course-Pricing page to the Choose Your Plan area, select the payment plan you prefer, and then click on its Enroll Now button.
- On the Subscribe page, enter coupon code addon25 to get the 25% discount.